اعملى استبانه مبسطه تتوصلين فيها إلى حلول لاهم المشكلات التي يعاني منها المسنون في مجتمعك , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.
Make a simple questionnaire in which you will find solutions to the most important problems that the elderly suffer from in your society and in all other societies in general. There are many elderly people around us everywhere, and within many families, so we must protect the elderly people who are among us, the simplest of their rights We have to return the favor, after all that life spent on our comfort whether it is fathers, mothers or grandparents.
elderly concept
The word Al-Masn in Arabic conventions denotes a man of old age, as the Arabs call this person Asan, meaning that this man has grown old, and also refers to the man, who has become old and advanced in age and has become incapable of serving himself or Taking care of himself, as this person moved from the stage of giving and production for those around him to the stage of consumption only, while relying on the people around him, as a small part of the forms of giving back to them after what he gave them during the stages of his youth and old age.
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The problems of the believers
There are many problems that lead to the deterioration of the condition of the elderly person, as this person suffers from these problems as a result of the psychological and physical changes they are exposed to, and affect their health, through:
- Economic problems: These economic problems stem from the lack of income and the high prices, with the lack of opportunities for social guarantees and effective insurance organizations.
- Social problems: These problems are represented in the existing family disintegration as a result of the children’s preoccupation with their private lives after their travel and marriage, and these problems may also occur, due to the death of the life partner, or due to the deterioration of the dwelling with the lack of development programs, where these programs are integrated the elderly person with society as a whole, in order to occupy free time.
- Health problems: The health problems are represented by the decline in the physical strength of the elderly person, due to the occurrence of a disease or one of the natural results of the problem of aging, as these problems appear through the lack of qualified health cadres, in order to deal with these individuals, in addition to the lack of Availability of specialized medical centers in this field.
- Psychological problems: Elderly people suffer from many internal psychological problems, as these problems are one of the reasons for feeling marginalized and lonely, which stem from a feeling of lack and loss of social relationships, in addition to the inability to form relationships.
Health problems experienced by elderly people
Health problems differ from other problems, in that they are related problems, among many elderly people, and these problems also affect the health of these people, in terms of the following:
- Urinary incontinence: Urinary incontinence is one of the most common health problems among many elderly people, and this problem appears specifically with women who begin menopause in particular.
- Vision and hearing problems: Many problems related to the deterioration of the sense of hearing and vision appear through the aging of elderly people.
- Arthritis: Many elderly people suffer from the problem of arthritis, with the deterioration and progression of the condition, to the occurrence of severe difficulty in moving
- Sleep disorders: Older people wake up early, due to the presence of problems associated with insomnia and difficulty sleeping.
- Dementia: The elderly face the problem of forgetting things greatly, with special problems with difficulty remembering as well, and this occurs through forgetting to speak and private appointments, and this disease is very common with Alzheimer’s patients.
- Dental problems: Dental problems are associated with age, due to a decrease in the amount of saliva produced inside the mouth, and due to the presence of other diseases at the same time, including diabetes in particular, as these problems lead to problems with loss of teeth and gums.
- Depression: Depression affects a large number of the elderly, as depression contributes to many organic problems, such as: Alzheimer’s, arthritis, heart problems.
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Make a simple questionnaire in which you will find solutions to the most important problems faced by the elderly in your community
The problem is one of the undesirable cases, where it works to form and change the situation or deviation of a certain thing, from its normal, an imbalance occurs between both the imposed and the expected as well, or the emergency in particular, where the elderly and those within societies are surrounded Arabic, with a lot of appreciation and respect, and this is done because of the guidance of the Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah as well, where the elderly person goes through many different life stages, but the stage of old age in particular, bears many different dimensions in the life of one individual, and this is illustrated by the following table :
Dimension Gains Losses Biological Physiological Dimension
There is no
There are many losses that occur as a result of the lack of performance and adaptation ability, and this leads to the body being exposed to more diseases, such as low muscles and joints, which leads to a lack of movement. The psychological dimension is represented in the areas based on experience and expertise, and based on the accumulation of information in general, and problem solving as well. It depends on the domains of short-term memory, and on the evaluation of information comprehensively. Social dimension This occurs as a result of a decrease in all family and job responsibilities, and it is one of the forms of obtaining personal freedom. A person tends to do enjoying all the things that he did not enjoy during work, with the development of experience and thinking related to the requirements of life. It consists in losing the leadership role of both family and work, with a feeling of fear and loneliness, and a need for care from the people around.
Elderly care home
There are many problems that elderly people suffer from in our society, so ways are searched for solutions to these problems, and one of the most important of these methods is placing the elderly person inside a nursing home for elderly people, where care homes provide health, psychological, educational, social and recreational care as well, The elderly home is keen for the elderly person to read many books, in order to expand his awareness by developing his mental skills and abilities as well, because this helps the elderly with Alzheimer’s diseases and the nervous system, where the managers in charge of the elderly home organize trips to parks and fly places that By drawing a smile on their faces, as it keeps them away from depression while avoiding mental illnesses, as mental illnesses are the main cause of health diseases, the elderly, through the care home, must feel the extent of care and attention they deserve in order to treat their own problems.
Solutions to health problems for the elderly
Elderly people and their families are looking for solutions to health problems that affect their health in general, and these solutions resulting from the occurrence of problems are represented in the following points:
- Providing both health services, including psychological services, therapeutic services, and awareness services.
- They must be provided with home care.
- The person goes to the clinic for the elderly on a regular basis.
- Follows up with the Aged Care Program.
- He regularly goes to geriatric clinics, as well as chronic diseases.
- Follows up with the therapeutic rehabilitation program, and physiotherapy in particular.
- Providing medical devices.
- Obtains a special card to facilitate hospital appointments.
- It is necessary to allocate the ground floor or the first upper floor, for clinics for the elderly.
- He gets special discounts for various medical services.
- Providing examination services for the elderly inside the car.
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Solutions to social problems for the elderly
There are many solutions to social problems presented within. Make a simplified questionnaire in which you find solutions to the most important problems that the elderly suffer from in your community. These solutions are represented in some of the following important points:
- Providing a mobile service for notaries public.
- The service report provided must be provided by the Civil Status.
- Facilitate special procedures, with the help of the elderly.
- Various social recreational activities and events are provided for the elderly.
- Patient education is required through electronic services.
- Wheelchair maintenance must be done.
- Providing Umrah and Hajj programs.
- Mobility of the handicapped and the elderly, by helping this happen.
- It is necessary to provide and work in kind and material support for the elderly.
- Providing the necessary discounts for people with disabilities and the elderly.
- Provide housing for them, if not available.
Solutions to the problem of spatial services for the elderly
People who care for the elderly are looking for solutions for spatial services for elderly people, as this is done through some important points related to their physical and psychological comfort, and these points are:
- Providing private cars for them.
- Dedicated seating must be made for them.
- Desks, windows and counters must be provided for them.
- Special paths and corridors are provided within the facilities for people with disabilities and the elderly.
- Older people have access to wheelchairs.
- Providing I am at your service items.
- Private toilets are provided for the elderly.
- Providing sports facilities for them.
- Special elevators and medical hoists are required inside airports.
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Solutions to education and training problems
There are many points that have emerged to address the problem of education and training for the elderly, through the topic of making a simplified questionnaire in which you reach solutions to the most important problems that the elderly suffer from in your community, which are represented in the following points:
- Providing literacy programs.
- A vocational rehabilitation program is being conducted.
- Technical training programs should be established.
- Elderly people must be taught lessons to read the Noble Qur’an.
- Special teaching sessions are conducted for people who are able to learn, and who have not completed their educational journey, and these sessions are represented in literacy lessons.
- Trips can be made from schools to nursing homes to motivate adults to learn.
Solutions to the problems of the elderly and their rights in Islam
The Islamic religion has developed different solutions to the problems of elderly people, and these problems are represented in some important points that Islam pursues, and these solutions depend on the following points:
- The right to reverence and dignity: The Islamic religion honors human beings, through the Islamic faith, where the Islamic religion has allocated a special place to elderly persons, by addressing them with all kindness and respect, while asking permission in their presence before uttering any word, while sitting them in the place located on the chest the Council.
- The right to work: The elderly person is allowed to work priority, if the health condition of that elderly person allows him to do so, and work is done for this elderly person so that the practical experiences of that person are exploited for the benefit of society, and it is preferable to do work for the able elderly so that the person remains active away from laziness And lethargy, and related problems.
- The right to family care: The Islamic religion emphasized the necessity and obligation to provide appropriate care for the elderly, with the importance of that care to the parents in particular, as it placed great importance on the children towards their parents, by securing the moral and material needs for them, and it is not permissible to neglect the performance of those responsibilities, under Any reason.
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In the end, after talking about a simplified questionnaire, in which you come up with solutions to the most important problems that the elderly suffer from in your community, and knowing the solutions related to the problems of elderly people, you must do good to these elderly people, and perform all the duties necessary to take care of them, as the Islamic religion said.
خاتمة لموضوعنا اعملى استبانه مبسطه تتوصلين فيها إلى حلول لاهم المشكلات التي يعاني منها المسنون في مجتمعك ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.